Difference join between (+) and (-) notation
I have very old application. Then I saw some store procedure using (+) or (-) notation on the query. What i want to ask are : 1. what is the difference between (+) and (-) notation ? 2. what is the difference between (the position of the notation I put on left or right) ? SELECT * FROM A, B WHERE A.column = B.column(+) and SELECT * FROM A, B WHERE A.column(+) = B.column 3. I read from forum that notation is only present for backwards compatibility because Oracle debuted it before the ANSI standard for joins. So is there any problem if I'm not change the notation to 'join' statement (ANSI standard) on my old existing query ? 4. Is it recommended or not using notation (+) (-) ? 5. How about the performance. It's good using (+) (-) notation or join notation ? and Chris said... The plus sign is Oracle syntax for an outer join. There isn't a minus operator for joins. An outer join means return all rows from one table. Also return the rows from the outer joined where th...
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